safe & legal Abortions with Dignity
Seva_clinic2024-04-05T08:17:14+00:00Understanding Abortion
Abortion is also known as Medical Termination of Pregnancy. Abortion is a procedure to end an unwanted pregnancy. It can be done through Medical Method or Suction Method. Medical Abortion is one where the pregnancy is terminated through medicines up to 6 weeks. Whereas Suction Method is one where the foetus is removed from the uterus through suction machine up to 12 weeks. If the pregnancy is more than 12 weeks, then medicine has to give initially for priming of the uterus, then admit the patient after 48 hours, where pain induced & foetus gets expelled & remaining products and placenta are removed through suction under anaesthesia. It is day care procedure.
Legality of Abortion in India
In India, the termination of pregnancies is to be done in terms of the MTP Act, 1971. That section 3 of the Act permits any women to terminate their pregnancy up to 20 weeks by registered medical practitioners at any registered hospital or centre. That the Hon’ble Supreme court on 22.09.2022 in the landmark judgment X v. Principal Secretary Health & Family Welfare Department & Anr. [2022 SCC Online SC 905] permitted unmarried women or single for termination of their pregnancy up to 24 weeks. It is pertinent to mention that Dr. Rupali’s Abortion Centre is behind the said landmark judgment as it was her patient and the legal team of Dr. Rupali’s Abortion Centre went to the Supreme Court of India & fought for the fundamental right of reproduction and choice of the women & brought this change in the existing law.
Types of Abortion:
I. Medical Abortion
A. Pros:
- • Easy to take Medicines
- • No need to go to Hospital or Medical Centre
B. Cons:
- • Uncertain as not always successful
- • Painful & chances of heavy bleeding
- • Symptoms of nausea and vomiting for 7 to 10 days
- • Causes mental trauma and agony
II. Suction Abortion
A. Pros:
- • Assured and Effective than medical abortion
- • Painfree
- • Relief in 15 minutes & Discharge in 3 hours
- • Early recovery as can resume work from next day
B. Cons:
- • Same day dizziness due to Anesthesia
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